Sindhi Dunya

A Simple way to cure from Cancer

Cancer is considered to be a life-taking disease. A Scientist Dr. Otto H. Warburg, who is also a Nobel Prize winner for his services to provide a simple cure from cancer revealed a very simple treatment.

Cancer is considered to be a life-taking disease. A Scientist Dr. Otto H. Warburg, who is also a Nobel Prize winner for his services to provide a simple cure from cancer revealed a very simple treatment.

The treatment unfortunately was never been publicized, due to the reason that pharmaceutical companies didn’t want to let it publicized. Now, world is too much concerned about the increasing factor of Cancer and has revealed this simple cure recently.

Dr. Otto H. Warburg discovered that the reason that cancerous cells are generating within a body is because the body has decreased amount of oxygen. By that decrease, body starts making acidic environment. In result of that acidic environment in the body, it helps to grow and spread Bacteria, Virus and Cancerous cells in all over the body. According to the research, he said that due to the un-hygienic daily food stuff, our pH level get disturbed. Our normal pH level should 7.365, which is considered to be a base level. If our body’s pH level is disturbed for a longer time, than it leads to many diseases within our body including growth and multiplication of cancerous cells.

In order to stay healthy, a person has a need of natural and healthy environment, so that our body should have appropriate amount of oxygen. In order to maintain pH level within a body, there are many ways to maintain it. One of the very simple household tip is that, one should take 1/3rd spoon of Backing Soda and 2 Spoons of Fresh Lemon Juice. Mix them well and add 8 ounce (about 300 gms) of water. Once mixed well, one should take it at once. This simple recipe not only reduce the threat of cancer but also cure our body from many other diseases as well.


ڪينسر دريافت ڪرڻ وارو شخص دنيا کي اھا ڳالھ ٻڌائي ويو جيڪا شايد ڊاڪٽر به اوھان کي نه ٻڌائي سگھي

ڪينسر جھڙي جان ليوه مرض کي دريافت ڪرڻ واري سائنسدان ڊاڪٽر اوٽو ايچ واربرگ جنھن کي ان جي عظيم خدمتن جي ڪري نوبل انعام به ڏنو ويوانھن ڪينسر جي بچاءَ لاءِ سادو ترين اصول به ٻڌائي ڇڏيو ھو، جنھن کي بدقسمتيءَ سان دوائن واري ڪمپنين عام ماڻھن تائين پھچڻ نه ڏنو پر ھاڻي سموري دنيا ۾ ان بنيادي ڳالھ تي توجه ڏني پئي وڃي. ڊاڪٽرواربرگ دريافت ڪيو ھو ته  جسم ۾ ڪينسر جا سيل پيدا ھئڻ جي اصل وجه آڪسيجن جي گھٽتائي آھي جنھن جي ڪري جسم ۾ تيزابي ماحول پيدا ٿي ويندو آھي جيڪو بيڪٽيريا، وائرس ۽ ڪينسر جي سيلز کي وڌڻ ۾ مدد ڪندو آھي.  انھن جي تحقيق جي  مطابق اسان جي روزمره جون ناقص غذائون جسم ۾ پي ايڇ ليول ۾ خرابي پيدا ڪنديون آھن. نارمل ليول 365-7 جي ويليو سان قدر اساسي ھوندي آھي، جيڪڏھن جسم جي پي ايڇ ليول ڊگھي عرصي تائين تيزابي رھي ته ڪينسر سميت ڪيترين ئي بيمارين جو سبب بڻجندي آھي. تنھنڪري اسان کي صحت مند رھڻ جي لاءِ قدرتي ماحول جي ضرورت ھوندي آھي ته جيئن اسان جي جسم ۾ موجود سيلز کي آڪسيجن جي گھربل مقدار ملي سگھي. جسم ۾ اساسي ماحول برقرار رکڻ جي لاءِ  ڪيترائي طريقه استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿا پر ان جي لاءِ ھڪ بلڪل سادو ۽ گھريلو نسخو به موجود آھي. ھڪ چمچي جو ٽيون حصو بيڪنگ سوڊا ۽ ٻه چمچا تازي ليمي جي رس کي ملايو پوءِ ان ۾ اَٺَ اونس تقريبن ( 300 گرام) پاڻي به شامل ڪيو پوءِ ان کي ھڪ ئي وقت ۾ پي ڇڏيو. ھي سادو نسخو جسم ۾ اساسي ماحول پيدا ڪندو آھي جيڪو ڪينسر سميت ڪيترين ئي بيمارين کان بچاءَ جو بنيادي ذريعو آھي.

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