Sindhi Dunya

Break the mystery hidden in Pictures

Break the mystery hidden in Pictures

Break the mystery hidden in Pictures

Look at the pictures and try to guess them all

You might find these pictures photoshopped or can consider them to be painted. But these pictures are 100% real. These pictures might be found surprising to you that a person is walking on clouds or a person is invisible on a wall painted with Comic Box. These pictures are no doubt are purely eye betraying pictures or one can say that they are mind cracking pictures but in real this is all an art of Photographers.

Here we’ve collected some of the pictures throughout the world, which will give you amazing feelings when you read them or break the mystery.

تصويرن کي ڏسي اکين تي يقين ڪرڻ مشڪل

ٿي سگهي ٿو هي فوٽو شاپ مان ٺهيل هجي يا پينٽنگ محسوس ٿيندي هجي پر حقيقت ته اها آهي ته هي تصويرون بلڪل اصلي آهن. يعني اهڙو شخص جيڪو جهڙ تي هلندو نظر ايندو آهي يا هڪ ٻيو ماڻهو ڪامڪ بڪس جي ديوار ۾ گم ٿي ويندو آهي هي اکين کي دوکو ڏيڻ ۽ ذهن کي گهمائڻ واري تصويرون ضرور آهن پر اهو فوٽو گرافرن جو ڪمال آهي جنهن ان موقعي تي پنهنجي ڪيمري جو بٽڻ ڪلڪ ڪيو جنهن سان انهن تصويرن کي حيرت انگيز ٺاهي ڇڏيو. سڄي دنيا مان اهڙيون هي ڪجھ دماغ گهمائڻ وارين تصويرن جو جائزو وٺو ٿا جيڪي توهان کا واه واه چوڻ تي مجبور ڪري سگهن ٿيون

This person will let you think about the picture. In real this guy is diving in one of the river in the Ukraine and Photographer has snapped this picture at such position, which has given a picture totally new perception.
In this picture, a very big face of a person has been shown. You would be thinking that it has been photoshopped. If you are thinking so, than you are wrong. In real, a security guard of Royal Scottish Academy Scotland is viewing the back side of the picture which is been made by an Australian Painter. Photographer made the moment interesting while taking the picture.

Have you ever seen so big Chairs or Table? In real it is a statue of an artist which has been placed in Metropolitan Arts Center of Ireland, which is very big in size.

This player is doing practice while winter morning in a ground of Agartala City of India. In which he is trying to kick the ball.
A couple is going through an escalator in a shopping mall of Singapore and are passing through a very huge sign board.
A Nissan Company vehicles in japan are queued in a very strange position.
This player is doing practice while winter morning in a ground of Agartala City of India. In which he is trying to kick the ball.

This is a picture of Chinese Artist, who has painted himself similar like the comic box shop located in the capital city Caracas of Venezuela.
A 25 Years old Jonathan in Science Museum of Hong Kong is standing in such a room which is made up of such glass, which makes a person invisible. Everyone get surprised while looking at such picture.
This dog in real is not that much big. In real there are two dogs. A photographer in London when saw them in a park, tried to snap them in a way that people see them a single dog and tried to make people surprised.


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