Sukkur – A third largest city of Sindh

Sukkur – A third largest city of Sindh

Sukkur is considered to be 3rd largest city of Sindh. Sukkur remained a beautiful and historical city from the beginning and has a very unique history. The city’s major problem is its roads and paths....
UmerKot – A dying historical asset of Sindh

UmerKot – A dying historical asset of Sindh

UmerKot is one of the historical place within Sindh. UmerKot is also known as ‘AmerKot’. The name AmerKot was given to this place, because it was built and structured by a Sikh leader “Amer...
Keti Bundar, Sindh

Keti Bundar, Sindh

Keti Bundar is located at the coastal area in Sindh. A total population of Keti Bundar is about 15,000. Keti Bundar is considered that can be turned into the 3rd largest sea-port of Pakistan. Population...
A Place in Sindh where Hindu takes fast and Muslims don't Slaughter Cow

A Place in Sindh where Hindu takes fast and Muslims don’t Slaughter Cow

By Hassan Raza Terrorism is now been an identity of Pakistan. In Pakistan Media, daily we use to listen and watch the news of terrorism, Killings of Minorities, Attacks on religious places, rumors to change...

سڪرنڊ ريلوي اسٽيشن 1991 کان اڄ تائين ٽرين (ريل) جو انتظار ڪندي!

پاڪستان ۾هونئن ته گهڻا ئي ريلوي اسٽيشن آهن، جنهن مان ڪجهه اڄ ڪلهه بند آهن. جنهن مان سنڌ جي هڪ شهر سڪرنڊ ۾ به هڪ ريلوي اسٽيشن آهي. سڪرنڊ شهر جي اسٽيشن مان آخري...

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