Sindhi Dunya

Children are dying due to the starvation in Thar

Children dying due to starvation in Thar

Children dying due to starvation in Thar

Mithi, Thar is area where children are dying due to the starvation.

Mithi: Two more kids’ life came to an end due to starvation of food. One of those kids was only of 3-4 days while other was of only 1 month.

Total number of deaths reached to 55 within the current year. Around 100’s of children died last year due to the Starvation.


مٺي ٿر جي علائقي ۾ غذا جي کوٽ سبب وڌيڪ ٻن ٻارڙن جي زندگي ختم

مٺي: ٿر جي تعلقي مٺي جي سول اسپتال ۾ غذا جي کوٽ سبب ٻن ٻارن پنهنجي زندگي جي جنگ هاري ويٺا، انهن مان هڪ چئن ڏينهن ۽ ٻيو هڪ مهيني جو ٻار هيو. واضح رهي ته هلندڙ سال ۾ مري وڃڻ ٻارن جو انگ 55 ٿي ويو آهي. گذريل سال به غذائي کوٽ ۽ صحت جي بنيادي سهولتون نه هئڻ سبب سون جي تعداد ۾ ٻار فوت ٿيا.


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