Education Government suspended education staff in Sukkur Region

SUKKUR: Education and Literacy Department, Government of Sindh has suspended some of Lecturers, Librarians and other officials. They have been sent a notice to report immediately to the Department.

According to the details, Government of Sindh, Education and Literacy Department has issued a notification to suspend the Lecturers (BS-17), Librarians (BS-17), DPE(BS-17) and superintendents(BS-17) in Sukkur Region from various colleges. These officials are directed to the department on immediate basis at Education and Literacy Department, Karachi.Education Government suspended education staff in Sukkur Region

سنڌ حڪومت جي ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ سکر ريجن جي ڪجھ ليڪچرار ۽ ٻين عهديدارن کي معطل ڪري ڇڏيو

تفصيل موجب، سنڌ حڪومت جي ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ سکر ريجن جي ڪجھ ليڪرارن، لائيبريرين ۽ ٻين عهديدارن کي معطل ڪندي جلد ڊپارٽمينٽ کي رپورٽ ڪرڻ لاءِ گھرائي ورتو.