Sindhi Dunya

Ex-President of India Abdul Kalam passed away

Ex-President of India Abdul Kalam passed away

NEW DELHI: According to the reports received through Indian Media, Ex-President of India Abdul Kalam has been passed away.

Ex-President Mr. Abdul Kalam was attending some event, where he felt some heart problem, from where he was shifted to a hospital immediately. At hospital, his heart stopped working and he passed away.

Abdul Kalam was of 83 years and he was the 11th President of India.


سابق ڀارتي صدر عبدالڪلام گذاري ويو

نئين دھلي: ڀارتي ميڊيا کان موصول ٿيڻ واري تفصيلات جي مطابق سابق ڀارتي صدر عبدالڪلام گذاري ويو. سابق ڀارتي صدر عبدالڪلام ھڪ تقريب جي دوران دل جي تڪليف جي سبب طبيعت ناساز ٿي وئي ۽ انھن کي فوري طور تي اسپتال منتقل ڪيو ويو جتي انھن جي دل بند ٿي وڃڻ جي سبب ھو گذاري ويو. عبدالڪلام جي عمر ٽِياسِي سال ھئي ۽ ھو ڀارت جو يارھون صدر ھو.
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