Sindhi Dunya

Former Cricketer Called Police to Arrest his Wife

LONDON: Former England Cricket Player, Andrew Flintoff sent a text through his tweet to a Local Police, to arrest his wife under the criminal charges.

According to reports, Former England Cricket Player, through Twitter sent a text message to Cheshire Police to arrest his wife. He sent this message as Police sent a Notice to his wife in some criminal charges.

Flintoff further told that, his wife Rachael went out for shopping. While she was coming back, she went to the Petrol Pump to fuel her car and forgot to pay her bill in a real quick. Flintoff also posted a copy of bill in his post. He further said that, he and his wife were stressed due to this act and were too much disturbed, until and unless the bill was not paid. He said that they were feeling very bad on doing this and have paid the bill.

In a Tweet made by Flintoff, Police officer replied that, No Problem, we’ll come any other time. On that, Flintoff said that his wife has committed a crime and Police can come and arrest her at any time.




برطانوي ڪرڪٽر جو پوليس سان مذاق، پنھنجي زال کي گرفتار ڪرائڻ جو چئي  ڇڏيو

سابق برطانوي ڪرڪٽر اينڊريوفلنٽاف ھڪ  ٽويٽ ۾   پنھنجي علائقي جي پوليس کي چيو ته ھو ان جي زال کي گرفتار ڪري وڃن.

تفصيلات جي مطابق برطانوي کلاڙي اينڊريوفلنٽاف ھڪ ٽويٽ ڪئي جنھن ۾ ان ٻڌايو ته چيش شائر پوليس ان کي ھڪ “جرم” جي باري ۾  نوٽيس موڪليو آھي.

انھن ٻڌايو ته هن جي زال ريچل شاپنگ ڪرڻ کان پوءِ علائقي جي ويجھو ھڪ پئٽرول پمپ تان پئٽرول ڀرايو پر جلدي ۾  بل ڏيڻ وسري ويو، انھن پوليس جي طرفان موڪليل ھڪ خط جي تصوير به پوسٽ ڪئي، انڊريو جو وڌيڪ چوڻ هيو ته هو ۽ هن جي زال جيسيتائين بل جمع نه ڪرايو، ان محل تائين ڏاڍو برو محسوس ڪري رهيا هئا ۽ ان وقت تائين ڏاڍو پريشان هيا.

ان ٽويٽ تي هڪ پوليس آفيسر ان جو مزاحيه جواب ڏيندي چيو ته ڪا ڳاله نه آهي، اسان ٻئي دفعي ايندا سين.

ان تي انيڊريو فلينٽاف جو چوڻ هيو ته، منهنجي زال جرم ڪيو آهي ۽ جيڪڏهن توهان چاهيو ته ان کي گرفتار ڪري سگھو ٿا.

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