Sindhi Dunya

Get rid of black spots around your eyes with this simple remedy

Commonly, most of the people have been seen with black spots around their eyes. These spots seems to be very prominent.

NEW YORK: Commonly, most of the people have been seen with black spots around their eyes. These spots seems to be very prominent. Experts believe that in order to get rid of them, drink as much water as you can.

These black circles have many reasons, including skin wrinkles, too much alcohol drinking, smoking, stress, lack of sleep and over-eating. If you are the one who are suffering from such kind of spots, than increase the drinking of water in your daily life. Drinking water helps to clean the body system and by this skin turns to be nourishing and soft. Drinking of water also reduce the acidity in the body.


اکين جي چوڌاري ڪارن داغن کان ڇٽڪاري جو آسان نسخو

نيويارڪ: گھڻو ڪري ماڻھن جي اکين جي چوڌاري گِھِرا ڪارا داغ ڏٺا ويندا آھن جيڪي تمام ڪارا ھوندا آھن. ماھرين جي مطابق انھن کان ڇوٽڪاري جي لاءِ گھڻي کان گھڻو پاڻي پيئڻ گھرجي. انھن ڊارڪ سرڪلز جا ڪيترائي سبب ھوندا آھن جنھن ۾ جلد لڙڪي پوڻ، گھڻو الڪوحل پيئڻ، سگريٽ پيئڻ، پريشاني، ننڊ جو پورو نه ٿيڻ ۽ وڌيڪ کاڌو کائڻ به شامل آھي. جيڪڏھن توھان به اھڙِيءَ حالت جا شڪار آھيو ته پنھنجي روز جي زندگيءَ ۾ پاڻيءَ جو استعمال وڌ کان وڌ ڪريو. پيئڻ وارو پاڻي جسماني نظام جي صفائي ڪندو آھي ۽ اھڙيءَ طرح جلد ملائم ۽ چمڪدار ٿي ويندي آھي. ان کان علاوه ھي تيزابي اثراتن کان به بچائيندو آھي. 
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