Sindhi Dunya

Hats off to this initiative of the President of Turkey

According to the details a child whose parents had died, he said that his school teacher send a letter on my behalf to Turkish President Tayyib Erdogan,

According to the details a child whose parents had died, he said that his school teacher send a letter on my behalf to Turkish President Tayyib Erdogan, so my parents place he should participate in the parent teacher meeting for me. The teacher at the behest of the child had written a letter to Turkish President but he warned that children should not expect too much because President of Turkey is so busy and he has lot of work and it is possible that he will not come. When the day came Parents Teachers meeting, Turkish President surprised everyone when he came to school. He was at school and said that I attend a meeting and from today I am the guardian of this child. Really, the kid and the president of Turkey to set an example.


تُرڪي جي صدر جو ھڪ اھڙو قابلِ تحسين قدم جنھن تي روئڻ به اچي ۽ خوشي به ٿئي

انقره: تفصيلات جي مطابق ھڪ ٻار جنھن جا والدين فوت ٿي چڪا ھئا، ان پنھنجي اسڪول جي استاد کي چيو ته منھنجي طرفان تُرڪيءَ جي صدرطيب اردگان کي ھڪ خط موڪليو ته ھو منھنجي والدين جي جڳھ تي والدين ۽ استادن جي ميٽنگ ۾ شرڪت ڪَن. استاد ٻار جي چوڻ تي صدر کي خط ته لکي ڇڏيو پر ان ٻار کي آگاھ پڻ ڪري ڇڏيو ته صدر تمام گھڻا مصروف ھوندا آھن، انھن جا تمام گھڻا ڪم ھوندا آھن، ممڪن آھي ته صدر نه اچن، توھان وڌيڪ اميد نه رکجو.

جڏھن والدين ۽ استادن جي ميٽنگ جو ڏينھن آيو ته صدر تُرڪي اسڪول اچي سڀني کي حيران ڪري ڇڏيو. انھن اسڪول ۾ چيو ته مان ميٽنگ ۾ حاضر ٿي چڪو آھيان ۽ اڄ کان مان ھن ٻار جو گارڊين آھيان. ان ٻار ۽ تُرڪيءَ جي صدر ھڪ اھڙو مثال قائم ڪري ڇڏو جنھن تي روئڻ به آيو ۽ خوشي به ٿي.

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