Sindhi Dunya

Malik Riaz ready to file Case against Blackmailers

Malik Riaz ready to file Case against Blackmailers

ISLAMABAD: Chariman Bahria Town Malik Riaz has compiled all the evidences and is ready to file a case against those who are blackmailing him.

Malik Riaz has already released the videos of those who are blackmailing him. According to the details, a case which has been filed by Malik Riaz included names of Colonel (Retd.) Dr. Shafiq and Colonel (Retd.) Rasheed Tariq. In report both of them has been charged for the allegations of blackmailing. In an case, it has been told that, on June 28, 2013 an amount of 50 Million rupees were received and it was assured that they will not blackmail once they’ll receive this much amount. But now they are again blackmailing and they are saying that if they are going to get money, they’ll destroy the image of Bahria Town and Malik Riaz. Case was prepared by personal staff officer of Malik Riaz. On other hand, Malik Riaz has also filed a case at a police station located at Lohi Bher.


چيئرمين بحريه ٽائون کي بليڪ ميل ڪرڻ وارن جي خلاف مقدمو درج ڪرڻ جي لاءِ درخواست تيار، وڊيو به منظر عام تي اچي وئي

اسلام آباد: چيئرمين بحريه ٽائون کي بليڪ ميل ڪرڻ وارن جي خلاف مقدمو درج ڪرڻ جي لاءِ درخواست تيار ڪئي وئي آھي. جڏھن ته ملڪ رياض کي بليڪ ميل ڪرڻ وارن جي وڊيو به منظر عام تي آندي وئي آھي. تفصيلات جي مطابق درخواست ۾ ڪرنل (ر) ڊاڪٽر شفيق ۽ ڪرنل (ر) رشيد طارق ڪمال تي بليڪ ميلنگ جا الزام لڳايا ويا آھن. درخواست ۾ ٻڌايو ويو آھي ته اٺاويھ جون ۲۰۱۳ تي پنج ڪروڙ وصول ڪيا ويا ۽ رقم وصول ڪرڻ کان پوءِ ٻيھر بليڪ ميل نه ڪرڻ جو يقين ڏياريو ويو، پر ھاڻي ٻيھر بليڪ ميل ڪيو پيو وڃي ۽ چيو پيو وڃي ته جيڪڏھن پيسا نه ڏنا ته بحريه ٽائون ۽ ملڪ رياض جي ساک کي تباھ ڪيو ويندو. درخواست ملڪ رياض جي پرسنل اسٽاف آفيسر جي پاران تيار ڪئي وئي آھي. ٻئي پاسي ملڪ رياض ٿاڻو لوھي ڀير ۾ مقدمو درج ڪرڻ لاءِ پھچي ويو.
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