Sindhi Dunya

Musharraf’s Medical Check Up to be conducted

Musharraf’s Medical Check Up to be conducted

Medical Board will be conducting the basic check-up of Ex-President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf at his residence.

KARACHI: A board committee of 11 Doctors will conduct the Medical Check-up of Ex-President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf. Medical Board Team will reach at his residence.

Medical Board has been constructed on the orders of Judicial Commission. Pervez Musharraf refused to attend the hearing of APC Court for Akber Khan Bugti’s murder case. An appeal was submitted by Musharraf’s lawyer Akhtar Shah, that due to the health issues and security reasons, Pervez Musharraf is unable to present in the hearing of the court.

A Medical Board Committee consisting of 11 Doctors has been constructed, who will conduct a Medical Check-up of Pervez Musharraf at his residence. Once Medical Board will provide the clearance about the Health of Musharraf, he will be ordered to appear in the court for the case hearing.

Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan told to the court that a board has been structured and has been sent towards the residence of Pervez Musharraf, where they will conduct a Medical Check-up and will be submitting their report to the court. Once the report will be submitted, than court can provide further proceedings.

While Pervez Musharraf’s lawyer Akhtar Shah told to the court due to the security concerns, Pervez Musharraf was unable to go to the hospital located in the area of Layari due to security concerns.

On the request of Government of Balochistan to the Government of Sindh, a Medical Board consisting on 11 Medical Doctors will be conducting the Medical check-up of Pervez Musharraf at his home.


سابق صدر پرويز مشرف جي طبي علاج لاءِ ميڊيڪل بورڊ ان جي رهائشگاھ ڏانهن روانو ٿي وئي

ڪراچي: سابق صدر پرويز مشرف جي طبي علاج لاءِ ميڊيڪل بورڊ ۾ شريڪ 11 ڊاڪٽرن ان جي رهائشگاھ ڏانهن روانو ٿي ويا آهن.

بورڊ عدالتي حڪمن تي ٺاهيو ويو آهي. اڪبر بگٽي قتل ڪيس جي ٻڌڻي ڪرڻ واري دهشتگردي جي عدالت ۾ پيشي تي سابق صدر جي وڪيل اختر شاھ موقف ظاهر ڪيو هيو ته صحت جي خرابي ۽ سيڪيورٽي خدشن جي سبب پرويز مشرف عدالت ۾ پيش نه ٿي رهيو آهي، ميڊيڪل بورڊ جي اجازت ملندي ئي پرويز مشرف عدالت ۾ پيش ٿي ويندو جنهن تي عدالت  حڪم ڏنو ته پرويز مشرف جي علاج لاءِ بورڊ ٺاهيو وڃي. وزارت صحت ٻڌايو ته بورڊ ٺاهيو ويو آهي، پرويز مشرف پيش نه ٿيو جنهن تي اختر شاھ چيو ته سيڪيورٽي خدشن جي سبب لياري علائقي ۾ واقع اسپتال نه وڃي سگهيو. عدالتي حڪمن کي پورو ڪرڻ لاءِ بلوچستان حڪومت جو حڪومت سنڌ کي درخواست ڪئي هئي جنهن تي ميڊيڪل بورڊ جي 11 رڪني ٽيم پرويز مشرف جي رهائشگاھ تي روانو ٿي وئي آهي.    


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