Sindhi Dunya

Ranbir and Katrina has a relation of Love : Rishi Kapoor

Ranbir and Katrina has a relation of Love: Rishi Kapoor

Ranbir and Katrina has a relation of Love and I am waiting for their final decision of marriage. Said Rishi Kapoor

Mumbai: Where Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif had denied about their love rumours in the past, there Ranbir Kapoor’s father, Rishi Kapoor confirmed that Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif love each other. He said they both love each other a lot and I don’t have any issue with their decision. Ranbir Kapoor has full right to take his own decisions and I’ve not made any kind of restrictions on my son. He has a right to take his own decisions.

Rishi Kapoor said I don’t have any kind of problem of Ranbir and Katrina’s love. He further added that I am waiting for their decision that when they are going to decide to get married with each other. For now they both are busy in making their career.

رنبير ۽ ڪترينه ۾ محبت جو رشتو آهي، انهن جي شادي جي فيصلي جو منتظر آهيان؛ رشي ڪپور

ممبعي؛ اداڪار رنبير ڪپور ۽ ڪترينه ڪيف جتي پاڻ ۾ هڪ ٻعي سان پيار جي خبرن کان انڪار ڪندا آيا آهن، پر رنبير ڪپور جو پيءُ رشي ڪپور انهن جي وچ ۾ پيار جو انڪشاف ڪري ٿو. سندس چوڻ هيو ته رنبير ڪپور ۽ ڪترينه ڪيف هڪٻعي سان بيحد پيار ڪندا آهن. هن وڌيڪ چيو ته منهنجي طرفان منهنجي پٽ تي ڪنهن قسم جي پابندي ناهي، هو پنهنجن فيصلن جو اختيار رکي ٿو، مونکي پنهنجي پٽ ۽ ڪترينه ڪيف جي رشتي تي ڪو اعتراض ڪونهي. هن وڌيڪ چيو ته مان انهن جي فيصلي جو منتظر آهيان ته هو شادي جو فيصلو ڪڏهن ڪندا. في الحال ٻعي پنهنجو ڪيريعر ٺاهڻ ۾ مصروف آهن.

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