RaniKot is also been called “The Great Wall of Sindh”. The wall is 26 Kilometers long and is considered to be a longest Fort Wall in the World.

RaniKot is also been called “The Great Wall of Sindh”. The wall is 26 Kilometers long and is considered to be a longest Fort Wall in the World.

No one knows the real story behind the built of this wall and it is still a mystery about its reality which is buried behind the wall. Different historian and local people has different stories and views about the wall, but no one is still know about the real definition behind the scene of the wall.

RaniKot attracts its visitors towards it by its beautiful and glorious reflection of past.

رني ڪوٽ قلعو، سنڌ

رني ڪوٽ قلعو، جنهن کي سنڌ جي عظيم ديوار به چيو ويندو آهي. هيءَ عظيم ديوار 26 ڪلوميٽر ڊگھي ۽ دنيا جي سڀ کان وڏي قلعي جي ديوار سمجھي ويندي آهي. هن ديوار جي اصل حقيقت اڄ تائين هڪ سواليه نشان آهي ۽ ان جي مطابق مختلف راءِ سامهون اينديون رهيون آهن، پر هن جي اصل حقيقت اڄ تائين ڪنهن کي خبر نه آهي. رني ڪوٽ پنهنجي طرف اچڻ وارن جي لاءِ هڪ دلفريب ۽ خوبصورت ماضيءَ جو عڪس بيان ڪندو رهي ٿو.