Sindhi Dunya

Right of Vote suggested for Overseas Pakistanis

Right of Vote suggested for Overseas Pakistanis

ISLAMABAD: Government of Pakistan has made a summary to provide a Right to Vote to overseas Pakistanis. Government has made this suggestion in which they have mentioned that people who are living outside Pakistan will be able to vote by this ordinance.

According to the suggestion, Election Commission will be responsible to allocate ballot papers in specific countries 60 days before the Election. These ballot papers will be sealed in a way that they should not be useable before their handing over to the specific official in that particular country.

Overseas Pakistanis can come to Pakistan and cast their votes within their constituency but there is no such service to cast vote from their own country. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf demanded that people of Pakistan, who are living outside Pakistan should also be provided with the right to vote and appropriate systems should be structured, so they also should be able to participate in Democracy within Pakistan.


ٻاھرين ملڪ رھندڙ پاڪستانين کي ووٽ جي حق ڏيڻ جي تجويز تيار

اسلام آباد: حڪومت پاڪستان ٻاھرين ملڪ رھندڙ پاڪستانين کي ووٽ ڏيڻ جي حق جي تجويز تيار ڪري ڇڏي آھي ھن تجويز ۾ چيو ويو آھي ته  ٻاھرين ملڪ رھندڙ پاڪستانين کي اليڪشن کان سَٺِ ڏينھن پھريون بيلٽ پيپرز پوسٽ ڪيا ويندا ۽ انھن کي اھڙي طرح محفوظ ڪيو ويندو جو مخصوص شخص تائين پھچڻ کان پھريون ٻيو ڪو به ان کي استعمال نه ڪري سگھي. واضح رھي ته ٻاھرين ملڪ رھندڙ پاڪستاني وطن واپس اچي ڪري ته ووٽ ڏئي سگھن ٿا جيتوڻيڪ انھن کي ٻاھر اھڙي ڪا به سھولت نه ڏني ويندي آھي. تحريڪ انصاف جو مطالبو آھي ته پاڪستان کان ٻئي ملڪ رھندڙ شِھريءَ  کي به ووٽ ڏيڻ جو حق ڏنو وڃي ته جيئن اھو به ملڪي سياست ۾ حصو وٺي سگھي.

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