Sindhi Dunya

Sukkur Barrage – A Wonder

Sukkur Barrage - A Wonder

Sindh is rich with the tradition and culture of 100’s of decades. It is believed that the agriculture in Sindh exists even before the time of Moen Jo Daro. Sindh was facing too many difficulties as there was no nearby barrage to Sindh.

Water was a basic need for the agriculture and there was no such water system nearby to the Sindh at that times. Agricultural System was suffering a lot due to the absence of any such kind of Water System. Due to the drainage system in Sindh, whole water which was coming through natural resources was drained into the sea. After development of Sukkur Barrage, a revolution was sought in Sindh’s Agricultural System. A huge number of lands became fertile by development of the Barrage on both the sides of Canal. At the time of British Rule, British Emperors started a cleaning of irrigation system, which was developed with the help of Barrage.

In 1849, they introduced a separate department to resolve such kind of issues. This department was given responsibilities to maintain Irrigation System and Forests of the region. Mr. Walter Scott was appointed first president of the irrigation system. In 1856, a historical report was presented, in which they identified to develop a permanent barrage, in order to boost irrigation system, throughout the region. They believed that, the development of irrigation system lies on the development of a barrage within Sindh.

Governor of Bombay Sir George Lloyd inaugurated the Sukkur Barrage on October 24, 1923. He laid down a foundation stone. In 1932, a barrage was completely developed. A Barrage was named with the name of the Governor “Lloyd Barrage”. By using the same technology trick, Sindh Government succeeded to develop another two barrages within Sindh.

It’s been more 72 years to the development of Barrage but it is still in its stable position. The barrage was considered to be the biggest and outclass system of irrigation system of that time throughout the region.

سکر بيراج – هڪ انمول ۽ حيرت انگيز عجوبو

سنڌ هزارين سالن جي تهذيب رکندڙ خطو آهي. هتي آبپاشي موهن جي دڙي جي دور کان به اڳ ڪئي ويندي هئي، پر بئراج کان پهريان زراعت کي ڪيتريون ئي مشڪلاتون هيون.ڇو ته فصلن کي گهربل مقدار ۾ پاڻي ملي نه سگھندو هو.سنڌ ۾ پاڻيءَ جي نڪاسي جو قدرتي نظام هجڻ ڪري درياھ ۾ ايندڙ سڄو پاڻي سمنڊ ۾ هليو ويندو هو. پر سکر بئراج ٺهڻ کان پوءِ آبپاشيءَ ۾ انقلابي تبديلي آئي. درياھ جي ٻنهي ڪنارن سان وڏي ايراضي آبپاشيءَ جي قابل ٿي وئي.سنڌ فتح ڪرڻ کانپوءِ انگريزن موجود ٻوڏ وارن موسمي واهن جي صفائي ڪرائي آبپاشيءَ جي نظام کي هلايو. 1849ع ۾ آبپاشيءَ ۽ ٻيلن جو گڏيل محڪمو قائم ڪيو، جنهن جو پهريون سربراهه سر والٽر اسڪاٽ ٿيو. 1856ع ۾ فائيف هڪ تاريخي رپورٽ پيش ڪئي، جنهن مطابق سنڌ ۾ بئراج ٺاهي آبپاشيءَ لاءِ مستقل بنيادن تي پاڻي مهيا ڪرڻ هو. سندن خيال هو ته سنڌ جي آبپاشيءَ لاءِ پاڻيءَ جي مستقل رسائي بئراج تعمير ٿيڻ ۾ آهي.
بمبئي جي گورنر سر جارج لائڊ 24 آڪٽوبر 1923ع تي ان جو افتتاح ڪري پيڙھ جو پٿر رکيو. 1932ع ۾ سکر بئراج ٺهي تيار ٿيو. بئراج جو نالو لائڊ بئراج رکيو ويو. ان ٽيڪنالاجيءَ جي آڌار تي اڳتي هلي سنڌ حڪومت سنڌوءَ تي هڪ ٻئي پٺيان ٻه ٻيا بئراج ٺاهڻ ۾ ڪامياب ٿي.
بئراج جي تعمير کي 72 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصو گذري ويو آهي، پوءِ به ان جي انفراديت برقرار آهي.هي ان وقت جو سڄي دنيا ۾ آبپاشيءَ جو شاندار منصوبو هو.

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