Sindhi Dunya

Turmeric – A useful remedy for Cancer and other diseases

Turmeric is considered to be an important part of everyone’s Kitchen, but there are very less people, who knows about its essential properties.

Turmeric is considered to be an important part of everyone’s Kitchen, but there are very less people, who knows about its essential properties.

Turmeric not only strengthen the body’s immune system but also destroys cancerous cells present within the body. Turmeric is considered to be very beneficial for the health. It also protects the body from highly dangerous chemicals or abscesses come out against melanoma cell resistance. Turmeric works like a major immune system within the body against cancerous cells and other diseases. Turmeric has specialty to defend body from cancerous cells which in result get destroyed by themselves or killed with the effect of turmeric. If someone is taking Turmeric, the cancerous cells, which try to enter into the body get destroyed due to the strong immune system present within the body. The only possibility that cancerous cells can be increased with the body is that, when the body has reduced amount of turmeric in the body.

In previous times, household women used turmeric in different dishes in a very rich amount, due to which cancerous cells were unable to be increased in any manner. Today, a life has been turned to be very stylish and daily nutrition has been changed, due to which diseases like cancer are very common.

Some of common cancers which are found in people are Lungs Cancer, Chest Cancer, and Colonial Cancer etc. Turmeric is considered to be very essential in these kinds of cancers. Due to the high intake of Turmeric in Asian countries, these regions have 10% less amount of cancer patients in comparison to America.

We should make Turmeric an important part of our daily nutritional system, so that it should defend our body from different kinds of diseases including cancer. Turmeric also makes it possible to diagnose and treat your body automatically against many kinds of diseases which arises within the body. Turmeric becomes a front shield in different diseases that reduces the chances to visit doctors for any kind of diseases.

ڪينسر ۽ ٻين خطرناڪ بيمارين کان بچڻ ۾ ”هيڊ“ جو ڪردار

ھيڊ اسان جي باورچي خاني جو خاص حصو تصور ڪيو ويندو آھي پر گھٽ ماڻھو ئي ان جي طبي خاصيتن جي بابت ڄاڻ رکندا آھن. ھيڊ جانليوا بيماري ڪينسر جي خلاف قوت مدافعت ئي پيدا نه ڪندي آھي پر ڪينسر جي خلين کي ختم به ڪندي آھي. ھيڊ صحت جي لاءِ تمام مفيد آھي جيڪا جسم ۾ موجود ڪيميڪلز ۽ خلين جي زيادتين سان نڪري اچڻ وارن ڦوڙن ميلانوما جي خلاف به مزحمت ڪندي آھي. ھيڊ پنھنجي خاص خصوصيت جي سبب انساني جسم ۾ بيمارين جي خلاف ڀرپور دفاعي فوج جو ڪم ڪندي آھي گھڻو ڪري زخمين جي خلاف مدافعت رکڻ جي خوبي جي سبب ھي ڪينسر جي مرض ۾ به ڀرپور مزاحمت ڪندي آھي ۽ ڪينسر جا خليا ان جي خلاف مزاحمت ڪندي پنھنجي موت پاڻ مري ويندا آھن. شروعات ۾ جڏھن ڪينسر جا جراثيم انساني جسم ۾ داخل ٿيندا آھن ته ھيڊ جي موجودگي انھن کي پنھنجي قوت مدافعت سان تباھ ڪري ڇڏيندي آھي. ڪينسر جسم ۾ وڌي تڏھن ٿو سگھي جڏھن ھيڊ جي مقدار جسم ۾ ھڪ خاص تناسب کان گھٽ ھجي. پراڻي زماني ۾ عورتون غذا ۾ ھيڊ جو استعمال ڀرپور طريقي سان ڪنديون ھيون جنھن سبب ڪينسر کي واڌ ويجھ جو موقعو ئي نه ملندو ھو پر اڄ ڪلھ جي اسٽائلش زندگيءَ ۽ غذائن ۾ تبديلي جي ڪري ڪينسر جھڙو مرض عام ٿيندو پيو وڃي. دنيا ۾ عام طور تي ملندڙ ڪينسر جي مرضن ۾ ڦڦڙن جو ڪينسر، ڇاتيءَ جو ڪينسر، وڏي آنڊي جو ڪينسروغيره ۾ ھيڊ گھڻي ڪارآمد آھي. ھيڊ جي وڌيڪ استعمال جي سبب ئي آمريڪا جي نسبت پاڪستان، ھندستان ۽ بنگلاديش ۾  ڪينسر جا مريض ڏَھَ گُنا گھٽ  آھن. ھيڊ کي پنھنجي غذا جو ھڪ خاص حصو بڻايو ڇو ته ھي ڪينسر سميت ڪيترين ئي بيمارين جي خلاف ھڪ ڍال ثابت ٿيندي ۽ ھيڊ جي طبي خاصيت جي بنا تي ڪيترن ئي مرضن جو علاج توھان جو جسم پاڻ ئي ڪري ڇڏيندو ۽ توھان کي ڊاڪٽر جي ضرورت به گھٽ ئي پوندي.
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