Sindhi Dunya

Vaccinations to increase Milk Production in Cows Banned in Punjab

Vaccinations to increase Milk Production in Cows Banned in Punjab

LAHORE: Lahore High Court banned vaccinations, which were used to increase milk productivity within cow. Justice Aisha A. Malik has issued a notice and released the orders in regards to the Court Decision. Also, Drug Regulatory Authority has been directed to submit a detailed report on it.

In Pakistan, Dairy milk owners are using vaccinations to inject cows, in order to produce excessive milk. By practicing this procedure, it has increased a ratio of diseases in all over the country. It has been reported that such animals die within 2-4 years. Such kind of vaccinations are banned in all over the world, whereas these kind of vaccination are very common within Pakistan. These vaccinations are used in a huge quantity throughout the country to increase the milk productivity within these animals.

Experts believe that, in some coming years, due to the increase usage of these vaccinations, there will be a massive damage in Dairy Farm Industry. Court has taken an appropriate notice against it, and has banned on sale and purchase of such vaccinations. Court has adjourned the hearing till July 14, 2015. Court also has directed to Drug Regulatory Authority to submit a detailed report on it.

کير۾ اضافو آڻڻ جي لاءِ مينهنِ کي لڳڻ وارن ٽُڪن تي ھائي ڪورٽ پابندي ھڻي ڇڏي

لاھور: لاھور ھائي ڪورٽ پنجاب ۾ کير جي وڌيڪ پيداوار حاصل ڪرڻ جي لاءِ  مينهنِ کي لڳڻ وارن ٽُڪن تي پابندي ھڻي ڇڏي آھي. جسٽس عائشا اي ملڪ اهو حڪم جاري ڪندي ان حوالي سان ڊرگ ريگوليٽري اٿارٽيءَ کان تفصيلي رپورٽ به طلب ڪري ڇڏي آھي.

وڌيڪ کير جي پيداوار حاصل ڪرڻ جي لاءِ  مينهنِ کي ٽُڪا لڳايا پيا وڃن جنهن جي سبب انھن ۾ بيماريون پيدا ٿين ٿيون ۽ اهي جانور ٻن کان چئن سالن ۾ مري ٿو وڃي. سڄي دنيا ۾ اھڙن ٽڪن جي وِڪري تي پابندي آھي، پر پاڪستان ۾ کُلي عام وڪرو ٿيندا آھن. جنھن جي ڪري خدشو آھي ته ايندڙ ڪجھ سالن ۾ ٽڪن جي سبب ٿيڻ واري نقصان ۾ ڪيترائي گنا وڌيڪ اضافو ٿيندو. ان ڪري عدالت ٽُڪن جي وڪري تي پابندي هڻي ڇڏي آهي. مقامي عدالت سڄي صوبي ۾ ٽڪن جي فروخت کي روڪيندي ڪيس جي وڌيڪ ٻڌڻي چوڏھن جولائي تائين ملتوي ڪري ڇڏي آھي. عدالت ان سلسلي ۾  ڊرگ ريگوليٽري اٿارٽيءَ کان تفصيلي رپورٽ به طلب ڪري ورتي آھي.

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