Sindhi Dunya

Yet another Cricketer lost his life while batting

Yet another Cricketer lost his life while batting

LONDON: From some time a Cricket ball has victimized many players, in which some of them have lost their lives. Still a death of Phillip Hughes was not that much old, that another death news came from Domestic Cricket of London.

A domestic cricket batsman, while playing tried to protect himself from a fast bowling bouncer, which was hit on his chest that led to his death.

According to the Indian Media, a British Tamil League Cricket Match was going on at Manipay Parish Sports Club’s ground. Bavalan Pathamanathan was a batsman who was chasing the bowler. A bowler bounced a ball in full speed, for which, Bavalan tried to play a defensive to save his face, while ball hit on his chest. Bavalan fainted and was shifted to a hospital immediately, where he lost his life.

Richard Gould, who is a CEO of Surrey Cricket said on the death of Bavalan Pathamanathan that, everyone in the club is sad on the death, and have same feelings as their family for his death. Richard said that, to safeguard life threatening issues of a batsman is a critical issue, which needs to be discussed.

Last year, Phillip Hughes and Ankit Keshri also lost their lives during playing a cricket match.


ڪرڪيٽ جي دنيا ۾ هڪ ٻيو افوسونال واقعو، هڪ ٻيو رانديگر پنهنجي زندگي وڃائي ويٺو

لنڊن: گذريل ڪجھ عرصي کان ڪرڪيٽ جو بال رانديگرن جو دشمن ٿي ويو آھي ۽ ڪيترن ئي رانديگرن جي  موت جوسبب بڻيو آھي. اڃا فلپ ھيوجرجي موت ئي نه وسري ھئي جو اھڙو ئي ھڪ ٻيو واقعو لنڊن ۾ پيش اچي ويو، جتي ڊوميسٽڪ ڪرڪيٽ جو بيٽسمين منهن تي بال لڳڻ کان بچڻ جي ڪوشش ڪرڻ دوران سيني تي بال لڳڻ سبب پنهنجي زندگي وڃائي ويٺو.
ڀارتي ميڊيا جي مطابق لنڊن ۾ برٽش تامل ليگ جو ميچ ماني پي پاريش اسپورٽس ڪلب جي ميدان ۾ جاري ھو، جنھن ۾ بيٽنگ ڪرڻ واري ٽيم جو بيٽسمين بوالان پيٿ مناٿن، بالر جي تيز رفتار بال کان بچڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي پر بال هن جي سيني تي وڃي لڳو، جنھن سبب ھو بيھوش ٿي ويو ۽ انھن کي فوري طور تي اسپتال منتقل ڪيو ويو، پر پنهنجي زندگيءَ کان هٿ کڻي چڪو. سري ڪرڪيٽ جي چيف ايگزيڪٽو رچرڊ گاؤلڊ  بوالان پيٿ مناٿن جي موت تي اظھار ڪندي چيو ته ڪلب جو ھر ماڻھو رانديگر جي موت تي غمگين آھي ۽ ان جي خاندان جي ڏک ۾ برابر جو شريڪ آھي. انھن جو چوڻ ھو ته بيٽنگ جي دوران بيٽسمين جي حفاظت خاص مسئلو آھي، جنھن تي وڌيڪ بحث جي ضرورت آھي. واضح رھي ته گذريل سال بيٽسمين فلپ ھيوجز ۽ ڀارتي بيٽسمين اينڪت ڪشري مٿي ۾ بال لڳڻ سبب پنھنجي زندگي وڃائي ويٺا ھئا.
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