Petroleum prices to be increased from April 1

By April 1st, Petrol will increase by Rs. 4.40 and Diesel will increase by Rs. 6.25. Notification Issued.

ISLAMABAD: OGRA has summarized new prices notification to Government of Pakistan. According to this Petrol will be increased by Rs. 4.40 and Diesel will be increased by Rs. 6.25 per litre. According to OGRA, they have increased the petroleum products rates due to the increase in International Market.

Petrol will be available with the new rates by April 1st, in which it has been decided to increase Petrol by Rs. 4.40 and Diesel by Rs. 6.25. Other increased rates are as follows;

  1. Petrol 4.40
  2. Diesel 6.23
  3. Hi-Octane 7.66
  4. Light Diesel 2.56
  5. Kerosine Oil 1.56

The summary has been submitted to the Home Ministry by OGRA, who will make the final decision about the new rates of petroleum products.


پهرين اپريل کان 4.40 پيٽرول ۽ ڊيزل 6.25 مهانگي ڪرڻ جو اعلان

اسلام آباد: اوگرا جي طرفان پهرين اپريل کان پيٽرول 4 رپيا 40 پيسا ۽ ڊيزل 6 رپيا 25 پيسا في ليٽر مهانگو ڪرڻ جي سفارش ڏئي ڇڏي. اوگرا جي مطابق عالمي منڊيءَ ۾ تيل جي وڌندڙ قيمتن کي ڏسندي پاڪستان ۾  پهرين اپريل کان پيٽرول 4 رپيا 40 پيسا ۽ ڊيزل 6 رپيا 25 پيسا في ليٽر مهانگو ڪرڻ جي پيشڪش ڪئي. هائي اوڪٽين 7 رپيا 66 پيسا، لائيٽ ڊيزل 2 رپيا 56 پيسا ۽ مٽي جو تيل1رپيو 56 پيسا في ليٽر مهانگو ڪرڻ جي تجويز ڪئي وئي آهي. وزير پيٽروليم اوگرا جي سمري کي وزير داخلا کي موڪلي ڇڏي آهي جيڪا پيٽروليم مصنوعات جي قيمتن تي حتمي فيصلو ڪندي.