Prime Minister inaugurated a Green Line Train
Prime Minister inaugurated a Green Line Train

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif inaugurated a Business Class Air-Conditioned Green Line train in Pakistan.

Prime Minister said that Pakistan Railways has been tracked on country’s growth. Similarly, the government will make Pakistan International Airline, to be one of the best airline. During the speech of Nawaz Sharif at the inauguration ceremony of the train, he said that the Government is a name, which is a mixture of different departments working under one roof and we are trying to expand this process within Pakistan. Pakistan Railway is one of a department under Government of Pakistan which was under great crisis from very long time. Railway Department under the supervision of Khawaja Saad Rafiq has proved the best leadership within 2 years by such enhancement of Pakistan Railways. Not only has this, Railways which was running under continuous loss been turned to be a profitable organization of a Government. He further said that we have to go long to enhance Pakistan Railways even now.

Starting services of Green Line is a very big step in development of Pakistan Railways. Green Line is a first step towards the best travelling services for the people of Pakistan, in which a travel through Islamabad – Lahore – Karachi has been made comfortable for the people of Pakistan. He further said that Government has announced an insurance of Rupees 10 lacs for every passenger travelling through this train. Mr. Shairf further said that, he is sure that once Gawadar – Kashghar Link will be completed than it will be easy to travel between Gawadar to Turkey through Railway Line.

Railway Minister Khawaja Saad Rafiq said that handling Pakistan Railways was a big time challenge for me, but I am handling my responsibilities in a better way. Department has boosted tremendously in my leadership. He further claimed that, he has completely rooted out the bribery culture from Pakistan Railways. Now no matter, whether one is ‘Jiyala’ or ‘Matwala’, everyone will be employed on merit basis.




وزير اعظم گرين لائن ٽرين جو افتتاح ڪيو

اسلام آباد: وزيراعظم ميان نوازشريف اي سي بزنس ڪلاس گرين لائن ٽرين جو افتتاح ڪري ڇڏيو، ان جو چوڻ هيو ته ريلوي ترقي جي راھ تي هلڻ شروع ٿي ويو آهي. پي آئي اي کي به خوشحال ٺاهيندا سين. افتتاحي تقريب ۾ خطاب ڪندي وزيراعظم ميان نوازشريف چيو ته حڪومت مختلف ادارن جي مجموعي جو نالو آهي ۽ اسان ادارن کي ڦهيلائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهيون. انهن ادارن مان هڪ ادارو ريلوي جو به آهي جيڪو وڏي عرصي کان زوال پذير هيو پر خواجه سعد رفيق جي قيادت ۾ ريلوي صرف ٻن سالن ۾ اداري کي ترقي جي راھ تي کڻي آيو ۽ آمدن ۾ بهترين اضافو ٿيو. اڃا اسان کي ريلوي جي بحالي ۾ تمام گهڻو ڪم ڪرڻو آهي، گرين لائن جو افتتاح هڪ وڏو قدم آهي، سفر جي سهولتن کي عالمي معيار جي مطابق ٺاهڻ جي لاءِ گرين لائن پهريون قدم آهي جنهن سان اسلام آباد کان قائد جي شهر ۽ لاهور جي لاءِ سفر کي آرام وارو ٺاهيو وڃي رهيو آهي. هاڻي ٽرين ۾ سفر ڪرڻ وارن جي ڏھ لک روپيي جي انشورنس به ڪئي ويندي. مون کي پوري اميد آهي ته گوادر کان ڪاشغرلنڪ کانپوءِ ايندڙ دور ۾ ترڪي جي لاءِ به ريلوي لائن شروع ڪئي ويندي. ريلوي وزير خواجه سعد رفيق ٻڌايو ته منهنجي لاءِ هڪ تمام وڏو چيلينج هيو جنهن کي سٺي انداز سان نڀائي رهيو آهيان منهنجي دور ۾ اداري بي پناھ ترقي ڪئي. اسان اداري مان رشوت ۽ سفارش جي ڪلچر کي جڙ کان ڪڍي ڦٽي ڪيو آهي هاڻي جيالو هجي يا متوالو سڀني کي ميرٽ تي نوڪري ملندي آهي.