London Mayor Called Pakistan a Great Nation

An interesting wish by a wife of London Mayor about Pakistan. You’ll feel proud to be Pakistani

LONDON: A large number of Pakistanis dream to live in London but you will be surprised that a wife of London Mayor Boris Johnson dreams to come Pakistan. She is getting crazy to visit Pakistan and insisting her husband to visit Pakistan. Mayor Boris in this regards, will visit Pakistan very soon.

According to the recent interview given to a Private TV News Channel, Mayor of London Mr. Boris Johnson said that his wife’s parents were from Pakistan’s city Sargodha. He said that his wife is eager to visit Pakistan and she always says that she wants to visit this Great Nation.

Mayor Boris said that soon he will be free from the Elections which will be held in London. After the elections he will be visiting Pakistan. He further said that both countries needs to strengthen each other in trade and for that both the countries will make all possible efforts. He said that Pakistan is Great Nation and people living within this country are spectacular. He also condemned to call Muslims and Islam for being extremists.

لنڊن جي ميئر پاڪستان جي باري ۾ پنهنجي زوجه جي حيران ڪن ۽ دلچسپ خواهش ٻڌائي ڇڏي

لنڊن: پاڪستانين جي هڪ وڏي تعداد لنڊن وڃڻ جا خواب ڏسندي آهي پر لنڊن جي ميئر بورس جانسن جي زوجا هر وقت پاڪستان اچڻ جا خواب ڏسندي آهي ۽ هاڻي ان جي خواهش جي شدت جي ڪري ميئر بورس جلد ئي ان کي پاڪستان وٺي اچڻ وارو آهي.

بورس جانسن هڪ نجي نيوز چينل کي انٽرويو دوران ٻڌايو ته هن جي زوجه جا والدين پاڪستان جي شهر سرگوڌا سان تعلق رکندا آهن. انهن ٻڌايو ته هوءَ پنهنجي والدين جي وطن کي ڏسڻ لاءِ ڏاڍو بي تاب آهي ۽ هميشه چوندي آهي ته هوءَ هن عظيم ملڪ وڃڻ ٿي چاهي.

ميئر بورس  جو چوڻ هيو ته هو ڄاڻ ئي ٿيڻ واري اليڪشنن کان فارغ ٿي ڪري پاڪستان ايندو. هن جو وڌيڪ چوڻ هيو ته ٻنهي ملڪن جي وچ ۾ واپار کي وڌائڻ لاءِ هو هر ممڪن ڪوشش ڪندو. هن پاڪستان کي هڪ عظيم ملڪ ۽ هتان جي ماڻهن کي هڪ شاندار قوم قرار ڏنو ۽ اسلام ۽ مسلمانن کي شدت پسنديءَ سان ملائڻ جي مذمت به ڪئي.