A Driverless German Truck

A German Based Company has introduced a revolutionized Truck which will be driven without a Driver.

BERLIN: A German Company has introduced a truck which will be operated without a need of a Driver. In today’s world where all works are done with the help of machineries. Germans stepped ahead in this technology by introducing a truck which will be operated without a driver. The truck does not have a need of any Driver.

After many developments in the technological era where scientists has successfully invented Automatic vehicles and airplanes and now Germany has introduced for the first time a Truck which will be operated without a need of any Driver.

The truck which is furnished with most of the modern technologies has not only an ability of Internet Wifi, Camera Sensors but truck has such kind of system that will also take care of other vehicles which are passing through. The truck is too much luxurious but still have to wait that the truck to be launched, because the truck is still under observational testing. The truck will be launched into the market in 2025.


جرمن ڪمپني جو بغير ڊرائيور جي هلڻ وارو ٽرڪ متعارف

برلن: جرمن ڪمپني بغير ڊرائيور جي هلڻ وارو ٽرڪ متعارف ڪرايو آهي. اڄ جي هن جديد دور ۾ جٿي هر ڪم مشينن کان ورتو وڃي رهيو آهي ته اهڙي هي ڪڙي کي اڳتي وڌائيندي جرمني جي ماهرين هڪ اهڙو ٽرڪ تيار ڪيو آهي جنهن کي ڊرائيور جي ضرورت نه آهي آٽوميٽڪ جهاز ۽ گاڏين جي دهوم کانپوءِ جرمني جي هڪ ڪمپني جو بغير ڊرائيور جي هلڻ وارو ٽرڪ متعارف ڪرايو آهي. جديد ٽيڪنالوجي سان آراستا هن ٽرڪ ۾ نه صرف وائي فائي، سينسرز ۽ ڪيمرا موجود آهن پر اهڙو سسٽم به موجود آهي جيڪو رستي تي گذرندڙ گاڏيون جو به خيال رکندي. ٽرڪ ته واقعي شاندار آهي پر اڃا ڪافي انتظار ڪرڻو پوندو ڇاڪاڻ ته ٽرڪ اڃا آزمائشي مرحلن ۾ آهي جنهن کي 2025 تائين وڪري جي لاءِ پيش ڪيو ويندو