Movie Jurassic World marked a new World Record

NEW YORK: As the technology goes on to mark new developments in its inventions, similarly a Showbiz World is coming up with new innovations as well.

Recently, a movies made on 3D animations attracted a huge amount of audience throughout the world. A recently released movie “Jurassic World”, who has set a new World Record in its business. By the first week of the release, a movie has made a business of more than $510 Million. Which is itself a record in the history of Film World.

According to the Media reports, the movie has given a great impression of Dinosaurs and created an awesome scary view in movie of Jurassic World. That is the reason that the movie has marked a world record by making a business of $510 Million. The movie has broken the record of the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Holo, which were released in 2011, had made a business of $180.32. Movie Jurassic Park only made a business of $200.45 Million within the United States, which is slightly less than the business of ‘The Avengers’ which was released in 2012 and had a business of $200.74 Million, but final report is yet to come.

Jurrasic world has also collected around $4.41 Million from the bigger screen I-Max Theatres and has broken the record of a movie ‘Iron Man’ released in 2013, which made a business of $280.08 Million.

According to the foreign media reports, that Jurassic Park’s huge business has also stressed the Bollywood Pundits as well, because they believe that a movie can only make a business of up to $250 Million.

As per the Studio Data Statistics viewers of the movie are as below;

  •      Male                 52%
  •      Female             48%
  •      People with Less than 25 years Age    61%

In 1993, this movie got familiar with the name of Jurassic Park, whose 3 parts had been released before the release of Jurassic World, in which a movie has made a Business of $2 Billion, which is still expected to be increased.


فلم ”جراسڪ ورلڊ“ عالمي باڪس آفس تي رڪارڊ قائم ڪري ڇڏيو 

نيويارڪ: جيئن جيئن ٽيڪنالاجيءَ جي ترقيءَ جا نِتِ نوان انداز سامھون اچي رھيا آھن تيئن فلمي دنيا ۾ به جدت پيدا ٿي رھي آھي ۽ ٿِرِي ڊِي اينِي ميٽيڊ فلمون ماڻھن جي توجھه جو مرڪز بڻجنديون وڃن ٿيون. نئين رليز ٿيل فلم جَراسڪ ورلڊ رليز جي پھرين ھفتي ۾ ئي ايڪونجاھ ڪروڙ ڊالرز کان وڌيڪ بزنس ڪري  باڪس آفس تي نئون رڪارڊ قائم ڪيو آھي.ميڊيا رپورٽس مطابق پوري دنيا ۾ باڪس آفس تي ڊائنوسور جو خوف آڻي جراسڪ ورلڊ پنھنجي رليز جي پھرين ھفتي ئي ايڪونجاھ ڪروڙ ارڙھن لک ڊالرز جورڪارڊ  بزنس ڪري 2011 ۾ ”ھيري پوٽر ۽ دي ڊيٿلي ھولو“ جو ارڙھن ڪروڙ ٻَٽِيھَ  لک ڊالرزجو رڪارڊ ڀڃي ڇڏيو آھي. جراسڪ ورلڊ وِيھَ ڪروڙ پَنجيتاليھَ لَکَ ڊالر صرف آمريڪا ۾ ڪمائي چڪي آھي جيڪو 2012 جي ”دي ايونجرز“  جي وِيھَ ڪروڙ چَوھتر لَکَ ڊالر جي رڪارڊ کان ڪجھ ئي گھٽ آھي جڏھن ته ان جي حَتمي رپورٽ اچڻ باقي آھي. جراسڪ ورلڊ وڏي اسڪرين آئي ميڪس ٿئيٽر کان به چار ڪروڙ اَيڪيتاليھَ لَکَ ڊالر بَٽورَي 2013 ۾ “آئرن مين ” جي اَٺاوِيھَ ڪروڙ اَٺَ لک ڊالرز جي رڪارڊ کي به پُٺِتَي ڇَڏي ڏِنو آھي. غير ملڪي ميڊيا جو چوڻ آھي ته جراسڪ ورلڊ جي بَي مثآل ڪاميابيءَ بالي ووڊ فلم پَنڊِتنِ کي به حَيران ڪري ڇڏيو آھي ڇو ته انھن جي مطابق فلم وَڌِ ۾ وَڌِ پَنجوِيھَ ڪروڙ ڊالرز جو بزنس ڪري سگھي ٿي.اسٽوڊيو ڊيٽا جي مطابق آمريڪا ۾ ان فلم کي ڏسڻ وارن ۾  52 فيصد مرد، 48 فيصد عورتون ۽ 61 فيصد اُھي ماڻھو شامل آھن جن جي عمر پنجويھ سالن کان وڌيڪ آھي. 1993 ۾ پردي تي ايندڙ ھن فلم جراسڪ پارڪ جي نالي سان شھرت حاصل ڪئي جنھن کان پوءِ جراسڪ ورلڊ کان پھريون ان جا ٽَي پارٽ رليز ٿي چڪا آھن جنھن ۾ اڃان تائين ٻه عرب ڊالرز جو بزنس ٿي چڪو آھي.