
Health and Wellness Tips on Sindhi Dunya

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

چيني گرم پاڻي ڇو پيئندا آھن؟ فائدا ٻڌي توھان به ائين ئي ڪندؤ BEIJING: Do you know Chinese people prefer to drink warm water, rather than drinking cold water? If you come to know the...
Lack of Sleep can make you look old

Lack of Sleep can make you look old

Sleep is an important part of our daily life. Lack of sleep just for few days, can make harmful effects on health. It effects the skin and creates wrinkles, which affects the beauty of...
Benefits of Drinking water in Fasting Condition

Benefits of Drinking water in Fasting Condition

ISLAMABAD: Health Experts has observed that drinking water while getting up at the morning in fasting condition, is beneficial for health. It prevents from many of health diseases. A person should take 4 glasses at...
Interesting benefits of putting onions while sleep

Interesting benefits of putting onions while sleep

After reading the article, you will start putting onions in your socks and wear them while you sleep. Chinese Medical practitioners believe that our feet are the strongest part of our body. Feet are the...
A Household tip to make shiny clean teeth

A Household tip to make shiny clean teeth

ڏندن کي صاف ۽ چمڪدار بنائڻ لاءِ آسان گھريلو ٽوٽڪا When we eat some food or drink beverages like tea or coffee, it leaves some of its particles within out cavities as well. While these...
Peach Benefits in Summer Season

Peach Benefits in Summer Season

گرم موسم ۾ آڙو جي استعمال جا فائدا Peach is not only a delicious fruit but it has many kinds of benefits on human health. According to experts, one get so many benefits from Peach. آڙو...
For Beauty change the way you sleep

For Beauty change the way you sleep

If you really wants to be looked beautiful, than avoid sleeping in some wrong positions Every person try to get face beauty and in order to get the face beauty, they do all of their...
Benefits of Radish on Health. Must Read

Benefits of Radish on Health. Must Read

There are many important facts about Radish. It is very good for Health. Let’s learn about its benefits on our health You might not like eating Radish, but do you know that it contains many...
Avoid eating eggs that contains dual yolks

Avoid eating eggs that contains dual yolks

Do you know that some eggs contains dual yolks? One should avoid eating such eggs. It is not common to find eggs that contains two yolks. But it has been revealed that out of 1000...
Survey Revealed No Adequate Measurement for Health In Pakistan

Survey Revealed No Adequate Measurement for Health In Pakistan

Recent Survey has been conducted which show that around 25% of Pakistani People have Depression, while 27% of Pakistanis have High Blood Pressure. ISLAMABAD: A survey was conducted by Gillani Foundation for Gallop Pakistan, in...

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